By mysterious and incomprehensible, the word "ligamentotomiya" hides so desirable for many men, the operation of penis enlargement. The Internet is full of ads with similar proposals, but in the effectiveness of conservative procedures, there are few who believe. Well, if you bought "miracle drug" will just be useless. Worse, when the damage dealt and the health of the men, and your wallet. Anyway expectations in terms of plastic surgeons. When a man happy with his sex, the authority is satisfied of yourself, your self-esteem coincides with the high bar, in intimate relationships, is more liberated.
What are the size standards and dignity of man?
Of course, a rigid frame of a normal size, no one installed and it is silly, if so. Men invent, whether it's sufficient for the size of your penis, focusing on their own aesthetic conceptions and preferences of your partner. Note that the length of the penis does not influence the degree of satisfaction of the woman during the sexual act. Any deviation from the norm is considered the phenomenon as a micro-penis, when the penis length in erection is less than 8,

The length and thickness of the penis is set by genetics, and is also influenced by the characteristics of physical growth and development of the child. If, for any reason, in puberty was observed the insufficient production of testosterone, that is to say, the likelihood of disorders of the development of the external genitalia.
Increase in the girth of the penis
To increase the diameter of the penis developed several methodologies. We do not consider these methods, such as the introduction of under the skin different from the balls of gel, creams, petroleum jelly, since they have huge complications. The only way is still to transfer under the skin of the penis with a piece of tissue taken from another area.
Often a transplant done in the buttocks. In the penis, peel skin, take a flap of skin with fat deposits of the layer with the buttocks, for example, and wrap them till the penis, then around again to cover the skin of the penis. In summary, we observed an increase of the thickness of the penis in the 1-2, see Is not little, in reality, but if we want more, better for the other is the methodology.
The meaning of the second method of penis enlargement is to move the penis of a flap of muscle tissue. Because there are bunches of vessels, carefully connect with their own blood vessels of the penis. The inflow of blood during arousal additional network of vessels is more solidification of the penis and its thickness increases markedly.
The increase of penis in length
The penis is not only visible to the eye part, about half of your length is hidden in the pelvis. To add several inches of length, the doctor simply releases the hidden part and re-closing by suture of the skin. The patient is submerged in the general anesthesia, after which the doctor opened the suspensory ligament of the penis. Dissection and causes the enlargement of the penis thanks to its hidden part.
After the penis augmentation surgery patient should wear an extender of 2 to 6 hours a day for 3-4 months. This is done to ensure the result of the operation, facilitate the growth of the tissues of the penis, prevent the formation of adhesions. The sexual life is denied, as a minimum, in 3 weeks. It is recommended that the use not only of the close and compatible with the clothing inside.
If the man decides to do so, you must be prepared to take risks and not be afraid of complications. And the complications can be in the form of:
- Bleeding, inflammation and infection.
- The deformation of the penis.
- Loss of normal sensitivity.
- The instability during the excitation, the so-called "subluxation" during the sexual act.
- The change of the angle of the erection (not up, but forward or down).
- Erection disorders.
More than half of the patients do not wait the result of the operation, which is obtained ultimately. In the course of studies that even repeated manipulations do not bring the man desired effect. Therefore, a hundred times think before to take the decision to increase the penis. Surgical indication is only the length of the penis of less than 8 cm in an excited state, in all other cases, it is better to be content with what you have and being healthy, we win a lot of unnecessary complications.