Many men are not too happy with the size of their penis. It seems to them that the organ could have been bigger to impress women and give them incredible pleasure. Representatives of the stronger sex are thinking about how to enlarge the penis at home.
There are several ways that have been known for a long time. They are actively used by men who want to add a few inches to their "friend". But it is worth understanding how effective and safe these methods are. Are they worth using or is it better to accept the size that nature has given?
Efficiency of the methods
Opinions differ on home penis enlargement methods. Some men say that a massage, a cream or a pump works very well for them. Some, on the contrary, declare that it is almost impossible to enlarge the male member by themselves. In fact, this is quite realistic, but it is important to understand that you should not expect supernatural results. You also don't need to think that your penis will instantly increase. Without surgery, this is definitely not realistic. Penis enlargement at home is quite a long process. Also, if a man takes a long break, the parameters can go back to their original values.
Popular methods
There are several known home remedies for penis enlargement. Each man can evaluate the presented methods and choose the most suitable for him. Some methods can be combined with each other to achieve a more visible result.
So the most popular popular methods are:
- oral medications or herbal preparations;
- ointments, creams and gels;
- extender;
- hanging load;
- bomb;
- jelqing.
Medicines and herbs
Traditional medicine believes that the question of how to enlarge the penis at home, there are many answers in the form of herbs. Of these, it is recommended to prepare decoctions or infusions and then ingest a certain amount. You can buy these herbs at the pharmacy. These are the following plants:
- Thyme.It is necessary to prepare and insist, and then take it for 4 months. The infusion should be drunk in the morning and in the evening.
- Wormwood.This herb is believed to have a positive effect on blood circulation, as a result of which the corpora cavernosa of the penis are better filled with blood and enlarged. Wormwood seeds should be poured with cold water, boiled for 10 minutes and cool. Also, such a decoction should be taken three times a day for half a glass.
- Ginger root.It has a beneficial effect on potency and promotes penis enlargement.

Home remedies include common garlic. It is believed to help increase the girth of the penis at home. Garlic must be finely chopped and covered with alcohol. Next, the mixture must be infused for 10 days. After this time, a man should drink 25 drops every day. The course lasts for 3 months.
IMPORTANT!Home remedies in the form of plants may have contraindications. You should consult with a specialist before taking home medicines. If you don't want to see a doctor, you need to carefully monitor your health. Herbs can cause side effects quite often, especially when taken in large amounts.
Penis enlargement with ointments, gels, creams
Manufacturers now offer a wide variety of products for external use. There is an opinion that with the help of ointments and creams it is possible to enlarge the penis well. It should be understood that such funds have a different direction of action. They can be divided into three categories:
- Short term.Short acting, should be applied immediately before intercourse.
- Long term.They require constant use. The method of use is always indicated in the instructions.
- Helper.These medications can only be used in combination with other home methods to enlarge the penis.
Representatives of the stronger sex can decide for themselves what effect they need. In general, the result of the use of creams is achieved due to the presence of special components in their composition. The physical impact also plays a role, which ensures good blood flow to the organ.
Penis enlargement at home is also possible with the help of a special device - an extender. It is believed that it allows you to increase the penis not only in length but also in girth. An extender is a device that is placed on the penis and creates tension. As a result, the penis stretches and increases in size.
WARNING!When using the extender, you must strictly follow the rules of its operation. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging the penis.
It is recommended that the device be used no more than six hours a day. You should also take breaks every hour for a couple of minutes. At this time, you can do a light massage. Extensor lengthening should be gradual as you get used to it. You can't sleep with him!
Load suspension

Some men try to enlarge their penis with a weight suspended from their organ. Under the influence of gravity, the corpora cavernosa stretch, which leads to an enlargement of the penis. This allows you to find the answer to the question of how to increase the length of a member of the house. Loading does not affect thickness.
The problem with this method is that due to the weight, the corpora cavernosa can not only stretch, but even burst. As a result, the man will receive a nasty injury that can lead to erection problems.
When you discover how to enlarge your penis for free, massage practices are worth remembering. The advantages of this method are affordability and safety. The massage will be even more effective if you use a gel or cream designed to enlarge the penis. First you need to warm up the penis. In addition, the man must perform movements that resemble masturbation, but are performed more slowly. At the same time, it is recommended to squeeze the strongest member. In more detail, the massage technique can be viewed on the video to understand how to enlarge the penis with your own hands.
Using the pump
A penis enlargement pump is a special device that can be purchased at a sex shop. Its working principle is to apply low pressure to the organ. In other words, the pump works like a pump. The devices are manual or automatic. They work especially well on the thickness of the penis and are also suitable for those who are considering how to enlarge the glans at home. The disadvantage of the pump is that the result is pronounced immediately after use, but then gradually disappears.
Jelqing is a penis enlargement exercise. There are several techniques that are considered proven. Many men have already enlarged their penis in this way, and even in ancient times. The essence of jelqing is to perform movements similar to milking a cow. It is important to keep the penis in a semi-erect state. A series of exercises has a positive effect on the corpora cavernosa, they fill with blood and stretch. If you practice jelqing regularly for two months, you will be able to notice clear changes in a positive direction. It is believed that in this way the penis can be increased by 5 cm, but even if it is not possible to add five centimeters, the result will be very pleasant.
Other methods of penis enlargement
Considering other methods of penis enlargement at home, the use of soda is worth mentioning. The application sequence of this tool, found in any home, is as follows:
- the penis should be steamed in the bath and dried with a cloth;
- lubricate the organ with oil;
- Take some baking soda and massage in a circular motion.
This is not to say that this tool is very efficient. We usually speak of an increase of a few millimeters.
There are also certain products to increase potency that can have a beneficial effect on penis size. We are talking about seafood, nuts, ginger, olive oil. High protein foods are very helpful. But it is better to refuse heavy fatty foods. The same applies to alcoholic beverages, they are definitely not drugs that increase potency and increase penis size.
Methods to avoid
Some men looking for an answer to the question of how to enlarge a penis using the popular method use harmful and even dangerous methods. One of these actions is the introduction of petroleum jelly under the skin of the genital organ. This can lead to the appearance of inflammation, which in the future can only be removed by surgery. Petroleum jelly can also cause serious allergic reactions. Therefore, it is better for men to refuse such a recipe.
Contraindications and precautions
When trying to enlarge your penis, you must take certain precautions to avoid problems. For example, if a man wants to prepare a decoction or infusion of herbs for himself, he must first make sure that they do not have a negative effect on the body. The same goes for creams, because some ingredients can cause allergies. Regarding the extenders and the pump, these devices must be used strictly according to the instructions. Otherwise, there is a great risk of injury. The optimal solution before using any method is to consult a specialist.
In short, there are many ways to enlarge your penis at home. They do not lead to quick results, but some effect will be noticed.